Haberdashery - Wool - Sewing/knitting adviceDescription
In her well-stocked boutique, Clarisse can show you everything you need for sewing or knitting. Needles, pins and buttons. Zips, embroidery thread and sewing cotton. Hooks and eyes, beads, and a host of materials for creative crafts. She sells a wide range of Pingouin and Phildar knitting wools, knitting needles and completed articles which she herself has knitted. So here you can find everything you need for your own hobby and perhaps the perfect item for a gift as well!
Every Tuesday and Friday afternoon a knitting circle meets at the back of the shop and set their knitting needles clicking. They give and receive advice, have a laugh and knit to their heart's content!
Clarisse is the person to turn to if you need advice about your creative project, especially if it is a knotty knitting problem!
Just give her a ring on 05 49 69 83 25
Opening hours
Du mardi au samedi : de 9h15 à 12h15 et de 14h30 à 19h Tél : 05 49 69 83 25