Well-being in your home or at the beauty parlourDescription
Vanessa and Noémie will welcome you to their beauty salon, where they specialise in treatments to increase your well-being
Come and be pampered! Relax completely whilst we give you a facial, a full body treatment or hair removal.
Ask our professional advice about what will best suit you, your skin type, your lifestyle. Be what you want to be!
We are stockists of the organic brands: 'Estime & Sens Minima' (liste) and ' ZAO'
Where to find us and what to do near by ?
7 bis Place le l'église , 79200 Le Tallud
Site : Go to website
Opening hours
Lundi : de 9h30 à 16h30 Du Mardi au Vendredi : de 9h30 à 18h30 (avec interruption le mercredi pour le déjeuner) Samedi : de 9h00 à 12h30 Tél : 09 82 36 58 70